Give your phone, tablet and other devices a bright and lovely feel with official Monika Strigel designed wraps and skins! Monika Strigel is a self-taught photographer and graphic artist who explores themes such as wanderlust and the natural world. From richly detailed drawings of animals to kaleidoscopic patterns rendered in immersive, hypnotic colours, we have you covered with the widest range of Monika Strigel designs in the market!
Add an expressive layer of protection to your prized game console with a bold and perfectly contoured wrap bundled with a stylish self-adhesive vinyl skin for your controller. The durable console wrap has solid panels with a soft and smooth fabric interior whilst the vinyl skin is ultra-thin and super lightweight, protecting your console and controller from fingerprints and scratches. It has been engineered with the gamer in mind using specially designed breathable materials to dissipate heat quickly and effectively so your console will always remain cool even after long and hard gaming sessions.
Designed for the Immense Gaming Experience. Enhance every moment of playtime with a massive selection of fresh designs crafted to elevate your daily gaming experience. There's a perfect piece of artwork to mirror your unique sense of style.
Solid Core Panels. This protective wrap has a robust build that provides a 360 defense against fingerprints and scratches, showcasing a premium solid panel exterior and a soft microfiber inner lining that maintains the sleek design of your console.
Full Access. These precision fitted wraps and skins allow you to show off the iconic shape of your console and provide ease of access to slots and buttons.
Easy Install. The secure snap attachment safely and effortlessly wraps around and protects your console. It's easy to install, you can seamlessly switch designs without the need for tools and the self-adhesive vinyl skin for your controller leaves no residue.
Features:- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Monika Strigel Product
- Full Access to slots and buttons
- Breathable materials to dissipate heat
- Ultra-Thin and Super Lightweight Vinyl Skin
- Protects against fingerprints and scratches
- Durable & Solid Wrap Core Panels
- Easy Installation

Give your phone, tablet and other devices a bright and lovely feel with official Monika Strigel designed wraps and skins! Monika Strigel is a self-taught photographer and graphic artist who explores themes such as wanderlust and the natural world. From richly detailed drawings of animals to kaleidoscopic patterns rendered in immersive, hypnotic colors, we have you covered with the widest range of Monika Strigel designs in the market!
Add an expressive layer of protection to your prized game console with a bold and perfectly contoured wrap bundled with a stylish self-adhesive vinyl skin for your controller. The durable console wrap has solid panels with a soft and smooth fabric interior whilst the vinyl skin is ultra-thin and super lightweight, protecting your console and controller from fingerprints and scratches. It has been engineered with the gamer in mind using specially designed breathable materials to dissipate heat quickly and effectively so your console will always remain cool even after long and hard gaming sessions.
Designed for the Immense Gaming Experience. Enhance every moment of playtime with a massive selection of fresh designs crafted to elevate your daily gaming experience. There's a perfect piece of artwork to mirror your unique sense of style.
Solid Core Panels. This protective wrap has a robust build that provides a 360 defense against fingerprints and scratches, showcasing a premium solid panel exterior and a soft microfiber inner lining that maintains the sleek design of your console.
Full Access. These precision fitted wraps and skins allow you to show off the iconic shape of your console and provide ease of access to slots and buttons.
Easy Install. The secure snap attachment safely and effortlessly wraps around and protects your console. It's easy to install, you can seamlessly switch designs without the need for tools and the self-adhesive vinyl skin for your controller leaves no residue.
Features:- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Monika Strigel Product
- Full Access to slots and buttons
- Breathable materials to dissipate heat
- Ultra-Thin and Super Lightweight Vinyl Skin
- Protects against fingerprints and scratches
- Durable & Solid Wrap Core Panels
- Easy Installation

Geben sie ihrem Mobilgerät ein liebliches Aussehen mit diese offiziellen Monika Strigel Telefon, Tablet und andere Geräte wickeln und haut! Monika Strigel ist eine Fotografin und Grafikerin und liebt Themen wie die wanderlust und das natürliche Welt. Von Zeichnen von Tieren bis kaleidoskopähnliche Muster, wir haben genau das, was Sie brauchen, mit den fantastischen Kunstwerke von Monika Strigel.
Verleihen Sie Ihrer wertvollen Spielekonsole eine ausdrucksstarke Schutzschicht mit einer auffälligen und perfekt konturierten Hülle im Paket mit einer eleganten, selbstklebenden Vinylhülle für Ihren Controller. Die robuste Konsolenhülle hat solide Paneele mit einer Innenseite aus weichem und glattem Stoff. Die Vinylhülle ist ultradünn und superleicht und schützt Ihre Konsole und Ihren Controller vor Fingerabdrücken und Kratzern. Es wurde speziell für Gamer entwickelt und verwendet speziell entwickelte, atmungsaktive Materialien, um die Wärme schnell und effektiv abzuleiten, sodass Ihre Konsole auch nach langen und harten Spielesitzungen immer kühl bleibt.
Konzipiert Für Das Immense Spielerlebnis. Verbessern Sie jeden Moment des Spielens mit einer riesigen Auswahl an frischen Designs, die Ihr tägliches Spielerlebnis verbessern. Es gibt ein perfektes Kunstwerk, das deinen einzigartigen Sinn für Stil widerspiegelt.
Paneele Mit Festem Kern. Diese Schutzhülle hat eine robuste Konstruktion, die einen Rundumschutz vor Fingerabdrücken und Kratzern bietet. Sie verfügt über eine hochwertige, solide Außenseite und ein weiches Mikrofaser-Innenfutter, das das elegante Design Ihrer Konsole beibehält.
Voller Zugriff. Diese präzise angepassten Hüllen und Schutzfolien ermöglichen es Ihnen, die ikonische Form Ihrer Konsole zur Geltung zu bringen, und bieten einfachen Zugang zu den Steckplätzen und Tasten.
Einfache Installation. Die sichere Schnappbefestigung legt sich sicher und mühelos um Ihre Konsole und schützt sie. Es ist einfach zu installieren, Sie können problemlos zwischen den Designs wechseln, ohne dass Sie Werkzeuge benötigen, und die selbstklebende Vinylhülle für Ihren Controller hinterlässt keine Rückstände.
Features:- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Monika Strigel Product
- Full Access to slots and buttons
- Breathable materials to dissipate heat
- Ultra-Thin and Super Lightweight Vinyl Skin
- Protects against fingerprints and scratches
- Durable & Solid Wrap Core Panels
- Easy Installation

Donnez votre appareil une sensation brillante et charmante avec la enveloppement et peau officielle Monika Strigel! Monika Strigel est un photographe autodidacte et un artiste graphique qui explore des thèmes comme la Wanderlust et le monde naturel. Des dessins richement détaillés d'animaux aux modèles kaléidoscopiques rendus dans immersive, des couleurs hypnotiques, nous vous avons couvert de la gamme la plus large de designs de Monika Strigel au marché!
Ajoutez une couche de protection expressive à votre console de jeu préférée grâce à une enveloppe audacieuse et parfaitement profilée, associée à une élégante coque autocollante en vinyle pour votre manette. L'enveloppe durable de la console est dotée de panneaux solides avec un intérieur en tissu doux et lisse, tandis que la peau en vinyle est ultra-fine et super légère, protégeant votre console et votre manette des empreintes digitales et des rayures. Il a été conçu pour les joueurs en utilisant des matériaux respirants spécialement conçus pour dissiper la chaleur rapidement et efficacement afin que votre console reste toujours fraîche, même après de longues et difficiles sessions de jeu.
Conçu Pour Une Expérience De Jeu Exceptionnelle. Améliorez chaque moment de jeu avec une vaste sélection de nouveaux designs conçus pour améliorer votre expérience de jeu quotidienne. Il existe une oeuvre d'art parfaite pour refléter votre sens unique du style.
Panneaux Solid Core. Cette enveloppe de protection robuste offre une protection à 360 degrés contre les empreintes digitales et les rayures. Elle présente un panneau extérieur solide de première qualité et une doublure intérieure en microfibre douce qui préserve le design élégant de votre console.
Accès complet. Ces enveloppes et revêtements ajustés avec précision vous permettent de mettre en valeur la forme emblématique de votre console et d'accéder facilement aux fentes et aux boutons.
Installation facile. La fermeture à pression sécurisée enveloppe et protège votre console en toute sécurité et sans effort. Il est facile à installer, vous pouvez facilement changer de modèle sans outils et le revêtement en vinyle autocollant de votre manette ne laisse aucun résidu.
Features:- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Monika Strigel Product
- Full Access to slots and buttons
- Breathable materials to dissipate heat
- Ultra-Thin and Super Lightweight Vinyl Skin
- Protects against fingerprints and scratches
- Durable & Solid Wrap Core Panels
- Easy Installation

Dai al tuo dispositivo un look luminoso ed elegante con le avvolgere e pelle ufficiali Monika Strigel. Monika Strigel è una fotografa e graphic artist che esplora temi come la wanderlust e il mondo naturale. Abbiamo una vastissima collezione di avvolgere e pelle di Monika Strigel, che spazia da disegni di animali fino a pattern caleidoscopici e colori iprnotici, trova ora la tua!
Aggiungi un livello di protezione espressivo alla tua preziosa console di gioco con un involucro audace e perfettamente sagomato abbinato a un'elegante custodia autoadesiva in vinile per il controller. La resistente pellicola protettiva per console presenta pannelli solidi con un interno in tessuto morbido e liscio, mentre la pellicola in vinile è ultrasottile e super leggera, e protegge la console e il controller da impronte digitali e graffi. È stato progettato pensando ai giocatori utilizzando materiali traspiranti appositamente progettati per dissipare il calore in modo rapido ed efficace in modo che la console rimanga sempre fresca anche dopo lunghe e intense sessioni di gioco.
Progettato Per Un'esperienza Di Gioco Immensa. Migliora ogni momento di gioco con una vasta selezione di nuovi design realizzati per migliorare la tua esperienza di gioco quotidiana. C'è un'opera d'arte perfetta per rispecchiare il tuo senso unico dello stile.
Pannelli Solid Core. Questa avvolgere protettiva ha una struttura robusta che offre una difesa a 360 gradi contro impronte digitali e graffi, ed è caratterizzata da un pannello esterno solido di alta qualità e da una morbida fodera interna in microfibra che mantiene il design elegante della console.
Accesso completo. Questi involucri e rivestimenti realizzati con precisione ti consentono di mostrare la forma iconica della tua console e offrono un facile accesso a slot e pulsanti.
Installazione semplice. Il sicuro attacco a scatto avvolge e protegge la console in modo sicuro e semplice. È facile da installare, puoi cambiare design senza bisogno di attrezzi e la custodia in vinile autoadesiva per il controller non lascia residui.
Features:- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Monika Strigel Product
- Full Access to slots and buttons
- Breathable materials to dissipate heat
- Ultra-Thin and Super Lightweight Vinyl Skin
- Protects against fingerprints and scratches
- Durable & Solid Wrap Core Panels
- Easy Installation