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P.D. Moreno Animals Elephant Clear Hard Crystal Cover for Huawei Freebuds 4

P.D. Moreno

Product Type:
Clear Hard Crystal Cover

Product Overview

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Add an extra layer of protection to your AirPods charging case with this hard crystal protective cover. This case is made from a durable and robust polycarbonate that offers maximum protection for your AirPods against drops, scuffs and scratches.

Refined style and protection. This stylish case suits any occasion whilst keeping your AirPods and charging case protected and functional. Its sleek hard-shell shows off the slim profile and the original beauty of your AirPods, whilst allowing easy access to your earphones, charging ports and Bluetooth sync button.

Designed for the modern lifestyle. This protective cover fits snugly to your AirPods charging case and gives it a customised, fashionable and chic look.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed P.D. Moreno Product
  • Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
  • Shockproof, lightweight and durable
  • Made from hard polycarbonate
  • Fashionable and chic style
  • Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Add an extra layer of protection to your AirPods charging case with this hard crystal protective cover. This case is made from a durable and robust polycarbonate that offers maximum protection for your AirPods against drops, scuffs and scratches.

Refined style and protection. This stylish case suits any occasion whilst keeping your AirPods and charging case protected and functional. Its sleek hard-shell shows off the slim profile and the original beauty of your AirPods, whilst allowing easy access to your earphones, charging ports and Bluetooth sync button.

Designed for the modern lifestyle. This protective cover fits snugly to your AirPods charging case and gives it a customised, fashionable and chic look.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed P.D. Moreno Product
  • Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
  • Shockproof, lightweight and durable
  • Made from hard polycarbonate
  • Fashionable and chic style
  • Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Fuegen Sie eine weitere Schutzschicht fuer Ihre Lade Huelle fuer die AirPods hinzu, dank dieser harten Kristall Schutz Huelle. Diese Huelle besteht aus hartem und dauerhaftem und stabilem Polikarbonat. Dies schildert maximaler Schutz fuer Ihre AirPods gegen Tropfen, Beulen und Kratzer.

Verfeinerter Styl und Schutz. Dieses stilvolle Gehäuse passt zu jedem Anlass, während Ihre Airpods und Ladegehäuse geschützt und funktional bleiben. Seine schlanke Harte Huelle zeigt das schlanke Profil und die originale Schönheit Ihrer Airpods, während Sie leichten Zugang zu Ihren Kopfhörern, Auflade-Ports und Bluetooth-Sync-Taste haben.

Für den modernen Lebensstil. Diese Schutzabdeckung passt genau zu Ihrer Airpods-Lade Huelle und verleiht denen ein individuelles, modisches und schickes Aussehen.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed P.D. Moreno Product
  • Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
  • Shockproof, lightweight and durable
  • Made from hard polycarbonate
  • Fashionable and chic style
  • Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Ajoutez une couche de protection supplémentaire à votre étui de charge Airpods avec cette coque de protection en cristal dur. Cette coque est fabriquée à partir d'un polycarbonate durable et robuste qui offre une protection maximale pour vos Airpods contre les gouttes, les éraflures et les rayures.

Style raffiné et protection. Cette coque élégante convient à toutes les occasions tout en gardant vos Airpods et cas de charge protégés et fonctionnels.Sa coque rigide épurée montre le profil mince et la beauté originale de vos Airpods, tout en permettant un accès facile à vos écouteurs, ports de charge et le bouton de synchronisation Bluetooth.

Conçu pour le style de vie moderne. Cette housse de protection s'adapte parfaitement à votre cas de charge Airpods et lui donne un look personnalisé, à la mode et chic.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed P.D. Moreno Product
  • Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
  • Shockproof, lightweight and durable
  • Made from hard polycarbonate
  • Fashionable and chic style
  • Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Aggiungete uno strato di extra protezione per le vostre AirPods, grazie a questa cover ricaricabile trasparente dura. Questa cover è fatta di uno duro e robusto policarbonato che offre massima protezione per i vostri AirPods contro gocce, botte e graffi.

Stile ridefinito e protettivo. Questa cover stilosa si adatta a ogni occasione e, allo stesso tempo, fornisce una ricarica e una protezione e una funzionalità ottimale per i vostri AirPods. La scocca dura ma sottile mette in evidenza il profilo originale e la bellezza del Design dei vostri AirPods ma garantisce, allo stesso tempo, estrema facilità di accesso alle cuffie, alla porta per la ricarica e per tasto Sync Bluetooth.

Designato per uno stile di vita moderno. Questa cover protettiva si adatta alla perfezione ai vostri AirPods. La cover ricaricabile dona un tocco personalizzato, chic e alla moda al vostro look.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed P.D. Moreno Product
  • Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
  • Shockproof, lightweight and durable
  • Made from hard polycarbonate
  • Fashionable and chic style
  • Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button