Product Overview

Get your official back case today and show your love for The Walking Dead TV series. Browse our huge selections of designs ranging from walkers and biters to artistic portraits of the characters like Rick Grimes, Darryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Michonne, Jesus, Negan and many more, we have you covered!
Add an extra layer of protection to your charging case with this hard crystal protective cover. This case is made from a durable and robust polycarbonate that offers maximum protection for your earphones against drops, scuffs and scratches.
Refined style and protection. This stylish case suits any occasion whilst keeping your earphones and charging case protected and functional. Its sleek hard-shell shows off the slim profile and the original beauty of your charging case, whilst allowing easy access to your earphones, charging ports and Bluetooth sync button.
Designed for the modern lifestyle. This protective cover fits snugly to your charging case and gives it a customised, fashionable and chic look.
- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed AMC's The Walking Dead Product
- Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
- Shockproof, lightweight and durable
- Made from hard polycarbonate
- Fashionable and chic style
- Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Get your official back case today and show your love for The Walking Dead TV series. Browse our huge selections of designs ranging from walkers and biters to artistic portraits of the characters like Rick Grimes, Darryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Michonne, Jesus, Negan and many more, we have you covered!
Add an extra layer of protection to your charging case with this hard crystal protective cover. This case is made from a durable and robust polycarbonate that offers maximum protection for your earphones against drops, scuffs and scratches.
Refined style and protection. This stylish case suits any occasion whilst keeping your earphones and charging case protected and functional. Its sleek hard-shell shows off the slim profile and the original beauty of your charging case, whilst allowing easy access to your earphones, charging ports and Bluetooth sync button.
Designed for the modern lifestyle. This protective cover fits snugly to your charging case and gives it a customised, fashionable and chic look.
- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed AMC's The Walking Dead Product
- Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
- Shockproof, lightweight and durable
- Made from hard polycarbonate
- Fashionable and chic style
- Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Kaufen Sie heute noch Ihre Back Case Handyhülle und zeigen Sie Stolz Ihre Liebe für die The Walking Dead TV-Serie. Surfen Sie unsere riesige Auswahl an Designs, Sie werden dabei Hüllen mit todes Spaziergänger, Bisser und mit viele Porträts Ihrer Lieblingsschauspielern finden. Sie finden Rick Grimes, Darryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Michonne, Jesus, Negan und noch viele viele andere. Wir befriedigen jeden Geschmak!
Verleihen Sie Ihrem Ladekoffer mit dieser Hartkristallschutzhülle eine zusätzliche Schutzschicht. Diese Hülle besteht aus einem haltbaren und robusten Polycarbonat, das Ihren Ohrhörern maximalen Schutz vor Stürzen, Schrammen und Kratzern bietet.
Raffinierter Stil und Schutz. Diese stilvolle Hülle eignet sich für jeden Anlass und schützt Ihre Kopfhörer und die Ladehülle. Die schlanke Hartschale zeigt das schlanke Profil und die ursprüngliche Schönheit Ihres Ladekoffers und ermöglicht gleichzeitig einfachen Zugriff auf Ihre Kopfhörer, Ladeanschlüsse und die Bluetooth-Synchronisierungstaste.
Konzipiert für den modernen Lifestyle. Diese Schutzhülle passt perfekt zu Ihrem Ladekoffer und verleiht ihm ein individuelles, modisches und schickes Aussehen.
- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed AMC's The Walking Dead Product
- Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
- Shockproof, lightweight and durable
- Made from hard polycarbonate
- Fashionable and chic style
- Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Obtenez votre Étui Coque pour l'arrière officiel aujourd'hui et montrez votre amour pour la série TV The Walking Dead. Naviguez nos selections énormes de Designs s'étandant de marcheurs et des mordeurs aux portraits des personages comme Rick Grimes, Darryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Michonne, Jesus, Negan et beacoup plus, nous vous avons couvert!
Ajoutez une couche de protection supplémentaire à votre boîtier de charge avec cette coque de protection en cristal dur. Cet étui est fabriqué à partir d'un polycarbonate durable et robuste qui offre une protection maximale à vos écouteurs contre les chutes, les éraflures et les rayures.
Style et protection raffinés. Cet étui élégant convient à toutes les occasions tout en gardant vos écouteurs et votre étui de charge protégés et fonctionnels. Sa coque rigide élégante met en valeur le profil mince et la beauté originale de votre étui de charge, tout en permettant un accès facile à vos écouteurs, aux ports de charge et au bouton de synchronisation Bluetooth.
Conçu pour le style de vie moderne. Cette housse de protection s'adapte parfaitement à votre boîtier de charge et lui donne un look personnalisé, tendance et chic.
- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed AMC's The Walking Dead Product
- Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
- Shockproof, lightweight and durable
- Made from hard polycarbonate
- Fashionable and chic style
- Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button

Acquista oggi stesso la tua nuova cover rigida per il retro del tuo cellulare e mostra tutta la tua passione per la serie TV, The Walking Dead. Sfogliate la nostra vastissima collezione di Designs che va dai camminatori, ai mangiatori di carne fino ad arrivare ai primi piani dei noti personaggi della serie. Troverete i volti di Rick Grimes, Darryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Michonne, Jesus. Negan e molti altri ancora. Ce ne è per tutti i gusti!
Aggiungi un ulteriore livello di protezione alla tua custodia di ricarica con questa custodia protettiva in cristallo duro. Questa custodia è realizzata in policarbonato resistente e robusto che offre la massima protezione per i tuoi auricolari da cadute, ammaccature e graffi.
Stile e protezione raffinati. Questa elegante custodia si adatta ad ogni occasione mantenendo gli auricolari e la custodia di ricarica protetti e funzionali. Il suo elegante guscio rigido mostra il profilo sottile e la bellezza originale della custodia di ricarica, consentendo al contempo un facile accesso agli auricolari, alle porte di ricarica e al pulsante di sincronizzazione Bluetooth.
Progettato per lo stile di vita moderno. Questa custodia protettiva si adatta perfettamente alla custodia di ricarica e le conferisce un look personalizzato, alla moda e chic.
- Head Case Designs Officially Licensed AMC's The Walking Dead Product
- Protects against drops, scuffs and scratches
- Shockproof, lightweight and durable
- Made from hard polycarbonate
- Fashionable and chic style
- Easy access to your earphones, charging port and Bluetooth sync button