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Wyanne Animals French Bulldog Sketch Soft Gel Case for OPPO Find X3 / Pro


Product Type:
Soft Gel Case

Product Overview

Wyanne Cases, Skins, & Accessories Banner

Wyanne pronounced Y-anne is a US-based artist and occasional jewelry designer! In late 2013, Wyanne was diagnosed with Stage IV oral cancer. She underwent a major 13-hour surgery, losing her entire tongue and 66 lymph nodes. Followed by chemo, radiation and a year grueling long recovery process. Thankfully, Wyanne is still cancer free and winning the battle with the beast. Wyanne's current work is an inner reflection of her own battle with cancer and the realization that life is just too short. She hopes it will be a reminder to not live life on auto pilot...seize the day, have fun and enjoy every moment that we are given.

Refined style and protection. This stylish case suits any occasion whilst keeping your mobile device protected and functional. Its sleek soft-shell shows off the slim profile of your device, whilst allowing easy access to ports and sockets.

Stand Out. Surround your device with quality designs that demand attention.

Secure Style. Our durable shell provides lightweight protection from impact and daily wear and tear.

Scratch Resistant. Raised lip design protects the front screen and edges from scuffs and scratches.

Slide into Style. Simply slide your device into this flexible, form fitting soft gel case that wraps your device in all-over protection like a warm hug! Swapping between multiple cases is as easy as changing into your favourite T-shirt.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Wyanne product
  • Stylish, scratch resistant, high resolution printed graphics
  • Durable soft gel material provides lightweight, cushioned protection from impact, scratches, and dust
  • Raised front edges helps protect against screen scrapes if you place your mobile device facedown
  • Provides a comfortable grip that won't slip
  • Sleek soft shell fits like a glove and easily slides in and out of pockets
  • Full access to all device ports and features
  • Easy Fit, form fitting installation to wrap your device in all over protection

Wyanne pronounced Y-anne is a US-based artist and occasional jewelry designer! In late 2013, Wyanne was diagnosed with Stage IV oral cancer. She underwent a major 13-hour surgery, losing her entire tongue and 66 lymph nodes. Followed by chemo, radiation and a year grueling long recovery process. Thankfully, Wyanne is still cancer free and winning the battle with the beast. Wyanne's current work is an inner reflection of her own battle with cancer and the realization that life is just too short. She hopes it will be a reminder to not live life on auto pilot...seize the day, have fun and enjoy every moment that we are given.

Refined style and protection. This stylish case suits any occasion whilst keeping your mobile device protected and functional. Its sleek soft-shell shows off the slim profile of your device, whilst allowing easy access to ports and sockets.

Stand Out. Surround your device with quality designs that demand attention.

Secure Style. Our durable shell provides lightweight protection from impact and daily wear and tear.

Scratch Resistant. Raised lip design protects the front screen and edges from scuffs and scratches.

Slide into Style. Simply slide your device into this flexible, form fitting soft gel case that wraps your device in all-over protection like a warm hug! Swapping between multiple cases is as easy as changing into your favorite T-shirt.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Wyanne product
  • Stylish, scratch resistant, high resolution printed graphics
  • Durable soft gel material provides lightweight, cushioned protection from impact, scratches, and dust
  • Raised front edges helps protect against screen scrapes if you place your mobile device facedown
  • Provides a comfortable grip that won't slip
  • Sleek soft shell fits like a glove and easily slides in and out of pockets
  • Full access to all device ports and features
  • Easy Fit, form fitting installation to wrap your device in all over protection

Wyanne, man spricht es als Y-anne aus, ist eine gelegenheits Schmuck Designer Künstlerin, mit Sitz in den US. Gegen Ende 2013 wurde Wyanne ein Stufe IV mündlicher Krebs diagnostiziert. Sie erlebte eine 13-stündige Hauptchirurgie, wobei Sie ihre Zunge und 66 Lymphe-Knoten verloren hat. Es folgte die Chemio, die Strahlung und ein Jahr mörderisch langer Wiedererlangungsprozeß. Zum Glück ist Wyanne heute Krebs frei und hat den Kampf gegen dieses böse Tier gewonnen. Die gegenwärtigen Arbeiten von Wyanne sind eine innere Reflexion ihres eigenen Kampfes gegen den Krebs und der Realisierung, dass Leben zu kurz ist. Sie hofft, dass es eine Mahnung sein wird, dass man nicht als Autom lebt ... greift den Tag, habt Spaß und genießt jeden Moment, der euch gegeben wird.

Raffinierter Stil und sicherer Schutz. Diese Handyhülle ist für jede Situation geeignet. Sie ist aus einem harten Material hergestellt und bietet optimalen Schutz gegen Verkratzen und Stößen. Sie ist auch dünn und somit leicht in jeder Tasche zu verstauen.

Einzigartig. Es zieht die Aufmerksamkeit auf dein Handy mit einem originellen und hochwertigen Design.

Stylisch. Dauerhaftes Gel bietet guten Schutz vor täglicher Abnutzung.

Kratzfest. Der erhöhte Rahmen schützt das Display und die Ränder vor Kratzern.

Cool mit einem Klick. Die Gel Hülle ist in einem Stück gearbeitet und mit einem Klick ganz einfachen anzubringen. Das Wechseln zwischen mehreren Hüllen ist so einfach wie das Wechseln Ihres Lieblings-T-Shirts!


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Wyanne product
  • Stylish, scratch resistant, high resolution printed graphics
  • Durable soft gel material provides lightweight, cushioned protection from impact, scratches, and dust
  • Raised front edges helps protect against screen scrapes if you place your mobile device facedown
  • Provides a comfortable grip that won't slip
  • Sleek soft shell fits like a glove and easily slides in and out of pockets
  • Full access to all device ports and features
  • Easy Fit, form fitting installation to wrap your device in all over protection

Wyanne, prononcé 'Y-Anne, est un artiste basé aux États-Unis et un designer de bijou occasionnel! À la fin de 2013, Wyanne a été diagnostiqué avec l'Étape IV cancer oral. Elle a subi une chirurgie majeure de 13 heures, perdant sa langue entière et 66 ganglions lymphatiques. Suivi par chimio, radiation et une année long processus de rétablissement exténuant. Heureusement, Wyanne est toujours le cancer libre et la victoire de la bataille avec la bête. Le travail actuel de Wyanne est une réflexion intérieure de sa propre bataille avec le cancer et la réalisation que la vie est juste trop courte. Elle espère que ce sera un rappel pour pas vivre la vie sur ... pilote auto saisit le jour, s'amuse et aime chaque moment que l'on nous donne.

Style raffiné et protection. Cette Étui Coque élégante convient à n'importe quel d'occasion gardant votre dispositif mobile protégé et fonctionnel. La coquille molle permis l'accès libre aux ports et des prises électriques.

Sortir du lot. Entourez votre dispositif de designs de qualité cette attention de demande.

Style Sécurisé. La coquille durable fournit la protection légère de l'usure quotidienne.

Rayure Résistante. Le design de lèvre Augmenté protège l'écran de devant et les bords de traînent les pieds et des rayures.

Glissé dans Style. Faites simplement glisser votre dispositif dans cette flexible et forme adaptant Étui Coque de gel doux qui enveloppe votre dispositif dans sur toute la surface la protection comme une étreinte chaude! L'échange entre des Étui Coques multiples est aussi facile que changeant en votre T-shirt favori.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Wyanne product
  • Stylish, scratch resistant, high resolution printed graphics
  • Durable soft gel material provides lightweight, cushioned protection from impact, scratches, and dust
  • Raised front edges helps protect against screen scrapes if you place your mobile device facedown
  • Provides a comfortable grip that won't slip
  • Sleek soft shell fits like a glove and easily slides in and out of pockets
  • Full access to all device ports and features
  • Easy Fit, form fitting installation to wrap your device in all over protection

Wyanne, si pronuncia Y-anne, è un'artista e designer occasionale di gioielli! Verso la fine del 2013 le venne diagnosticato un cancro al 4 stadio alla bocca. Venne sottoposta a un intervento chirurgico di 13 ore in cui perse la lingua e le vennero tolti 66 linfonodi. A seguire, si sottopose alla chemio, a vari processi di radiazione e a un lungo anno di recupero. Fortunatamente, oggi Wyanne è guarita ed è consapevole di aver combattuto e sconfitto la bestia. L'arte di Wyanne ruota attorno alle sue riflessioni personali, al suo mondo interno, al pensiero consapevole di aver combattuto e sconfitto il cancro e alla realizzazione che la vita è semplicemente troppo breve. Spera che la sua arte possa fungere da insegnamento a non vivere la vita come un automa ... Il suo messaggio è cogli l'attimo, divertiti e vivetevi a pieno ogni singolo momento che vi viene concesso.

Stile raffinato e protezione. Questa cover è adatta ad ogni occasione. Realizzata in materiale rigido e liscio fornisce ottima protezione da urti e graffi. Il design sottile la rende adatta ad ogni tipo di tasca.

Unico. Attira l'attenzione sul tuo cellulare con un design di qualità e fuori dal comune.

Stile garantito. La protezione in durevole gel fornisce una leggera e giusta protezione dall'usura quotidiana.

A prova di graffi. La cornice rialzata protegge i bordi e lo schermo frontale rendendolo immune ai graffi.

Stile in una sola mossa. Infila il tuo dispositivo in questa cover flessibile che lo avvolgerà in una morbida protezione. Così sostituire la cover sarà facile come cambiare la maglietta.


  • Head Case Designs Officially Licensed Wyanne product
  • Stylish, scratch resistant, high resolution printed graphics
  • Durable soft gel material provides lightweight, cushioned protection from impact, scratches, and dust
  • Raised front edges helps protect against screen scrapes if you place your mobile device facedown
  • Provides a comfortable grip that won't slip
  • Sleek soft shell fits like a glove and easily slides in and out of pockets
  • Full access to all device ports and features
  • Easy Fit, form fitting installation to wrap your device in all over protection